Promoting and Protecting the Rights and Dignities of All
We all hear of inhumane actions and injustices. Thankfully we do not need to turn a blind eye now because of the UN’s (United Nation) Universal Declaration of Human Rights is present. The promotion and protection of the rights and dignities of all is a priority for the whole of the international community. Everyone should know that Human Rights is inherent in every human person. With this, it is important for everyone to practice and observe those rights.
UN proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1950. In 1993, UN established the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and declared December 10 as the International Human Rights Day. We are now celebrating 20 years since its establishment. As a human being, it is our primordial duty to know about human rights. If you are not familiar with this, you can refer to the following articles:
Article 1
Each one is born free, with rights and dignity. All are awarded with conscience and reason.
Article 2
Each one is entitled to freedom and rights covered in the Declaration of Human Rights regardless of the status, race, gender, colour, language, social origin and many more.
Article 3
Each one has the right to life, sanctuary and liberty. Sanctions will be implemented if this is suspended.
Article 4
No one should be detained as a slave or servitude. All forms of servitude are prohibited.
Article 5
No one should experience torture or other degrading punishment or treatment.
Article 6
Each one holds the right to be recognized as an individual before the law everywhere.
Article 7
Each one is entitled equal protection of the law. No one should be discriminated before the law.
Article 8
Each one has the right to an efficient solution by proficient national tribunals for acts relating to violations of human rights.
Article 9
No one should be subjected to random detention, arrest and even exile.
Article 10
Each one has the right to an equal and fair public hearing by an sovereign and neutral tribunal.
Article 11
Each one has the right to be held innocent until proven guilty. No one should be considered guilty of any severe offence.
Article 12
Each one has the right to be protected from random interference with his/her home, family and privacy.
Article 13
Each one has the right to move and establish residency anywhere within their country. Each one has the right to depart any country and return to it.
Article 14
Each one has the right to go to other countries and enjoy asylum. This may not be invoked if the cases filed against him/her are non-political crimes.
Article 15
Each one has the right to be a national of a specific country. No one should be deprived of his/her nationality nor contradict his/her changing of nationality.